We have collected popular questions in one place to make it easier for you to find answers.
The most popular questions will be published in the Frequently Asked Questions section.

1. While filling the application, make sure you don’t leave required fields empty. If you aren’t sure about what to write, just type any letter.

2. There may not be enough money in your PayPal account or card for the transaction.

3. If you are still unable to apply following our instructions, get in touch on the Contact us page or write us an email at admin@musiccompetition.eu

We accept only Public YouTube videos. Do not make your video Private or Unlisted.

For duets, ensembles or musical collectives, you can specify one any date and year of birth in the “Date of Birth” section.

When filling in this section, please write the exact name, name and in parentheses write the name of the instrument on which each contestant plays, as well as if there is a name of the collective. This information will be used in the diplomas, please double check to make sure it’s correct!

If you cannot pay from your country with PayPal or a Debit or Credit Card, please contact us via Contact us page or write us an email at admin@musiccompetition.eu

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